Thursday, September 15, 2022

Symbol of enduring life


What lovely thing
Thy Hand hath made
The smooth plumed bird
It its emerald shade
The seed of grass
The speck of stone
Which the wayfarer ant
Stirs and moves on
A flame is not merely something
Which warms or burns but
A symbol of enduring life of household
An abiding source of nourishment
And shelter in which 
Man returns from his casual wanderings
It is not a quick fork of fire
Which may sting or hurt
It is the hearth at which
One worships
And fro which one fights
"I love Him" what else can I say?
It's a secret they'll say. How can that be?
"God knows I love Him and so does He" 

Look inside

All the world is a stage
 And all the men and women merely players
They have their exits and enteries
And one man in his time plays many parts
Guru-disciple: Truth
Fetch me a fruit of a banyan tree
Here is one, sir
Break it
What do you see?
Very very tiny seeds sir
Break one
I have broken it sir
What do you see new
Nothing sir
My son, the guru said
"What you do not perceive, my son is the
essence of mighty banyan tree.
The mighty banyan tree exists believe
me, my son, in that essence is the
self of all that was
(This is how God, The Creator resides
within each human being. Look inside)  


Keep faith with today


Yesterday is no more
Tomorrow is not yet with us
But today is where I am
Today is where we live, love laugh
Cry, pray and share our all
Today makes our tomorrows
Keep faith with today
Life is short
And we have not much time
For gladdenings!
The lives of others
Who are traveling 
The dark road with us
O be swift to love
Make haste to be kind
The point of journey is
Not to arrive
But to return home
Laden with pollen
You shall work up
Into honey
The mind feeds on!