Diary entries by my father. Dated 2.6.2002 |
Some dressed in white
Each like a taper blossoming light
Most of them merry
Some of them grave
Each of them lithe
As willows that wave
Some bearing violets
Some bearing bay
One with a burning rose
Hidden away-
When I am all alone
Envy me then
For I have better friends
Than women and men
There are stories that unwind
Themselves simply
As a ball of string
Think how a spider makes a web
How the web is torn by people and brooms
Insects, rapacious birds
How the spider rebuilds and rebuilds
Until the wind takes the web
And breaks it and flicks it
Into heavens blue and innocent immensity
Below the penumbra of vision
A small butterfly tricked its way across
The brown field beside us
And I thought to myself where the hell did it come from
Last night was a hard frost
And then I knew it had been born
This day: perhaps a moment ago
And its life was flickering out
In our presence
As we walked with our hands in a lovers clasp
On the straight low path
Beside the canal
That made us think of home
In tumbling autumn days
The point of journey is not to arrive
But to return home
Laden with pollen you shall work up
Into honey the mind feeds on
amazes me, everytime